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It’s Time to Love Your Hair with the Latest Innovations from PRP

Posted on: August 6th, 2024 by hollie

Hair loss can be very distressing. It’s not only a cosmetic concern; it can also chip away at your self-confidence, impacting your day-to-day life.

The good news is that PRP’s latest innovations have supercharged the effectiveness of hair loss restoration solutions. Keep reading to learn how to love your hair with PRP’s latest innovations and use it alongside other hair loss treatments.

What Are the Latest Innovations in PRP?

As technology advances, new PRP innovations are redefining the landscape of hair loss treatments. Instead of only being used as a standalone treatment, PRP can now be coupled with other therapies.

PRP therapy combined with NeoGraft has gained popularity for its remarkable effectiveness in fighting hair loss. PRP is a minimally invasive procedure that injects PRP into the scalp.

It leverages the body’s regenerative capabilities to boost hair growth.

Dr. Lisa Chipps says, “Hair loss can have many causes. For new hair loss, I usually recommend that my patient see their PCP for a complete physical exam to rule out any underlying conditions that may be treatable and may be causing the hair loss. If that is all fine, then we examine the scalp for scarring, patchy hair loss, redness, bumps, and flakes, which can all be signs of various scalp disorders.

For common androgenic alopecia, which is genetic or male pattern hair loss, we recommend a combination of topical and oral medications. In addition, PRP injections have been shown to help about half of patients with androgenetic alopecia. PRP is platelet-rich plasma, which is derived from the patient’s own blood and injected directly into the scalp once monthly for three months. For those who see improvement, we recommend maintenance treatments twice per year.”

What Is PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is a cutting-edge treatment that uses the blood’s healing power to stimulate hair growth. The procedure involves extracting and utilizing a small amount of the patient’s blood.

Your dermatologist at Moy-Fincher-Chipps draws blood and spins it in a centrifuge at high speed, isolating the plasma. Plasma contains a high concentration of platelets, which secrete growth factors.

Growth factors are proteins that encourage cellular growth and promote healing. After separating the plasma, PRP is put in a syringe and injected into the scalp.

PRP injections improve the health of hair follicles and stimulate collagen production, stopping hair loss and creating thicker, stronger hair.

What is NeoGraft?

NeoGraft is a highly effective hair restoration procedure that delivers exceptional hair transplant results. It combines proven techniques and advanced technology to harvest and implant individual follicular grafts more precisely than ever, using the patient’s hair. 

NeoGraft involves four steps:

1. The back of the scalp is anesthetized. Then, your dermatologist at Moy-Fincher-Chipps collects hair with a NeoGraft device that uses suction to gently and carefully extract each individual follicular unit.

2. Once done, the follicular units are sorted by size to create natural-looking results.

3. They then prepare the new site using pre-gathered data to ensure graft viability. Next, PRP is injected into the target area.

4. Your dermatologist then meticulously implants each follicular unit using appropriate angulation and depth to increase the graft-take rate and optimal outcomes.

At Moy-Fincher-Chipps, we also offer scarless hair transplantation. We use the NeoGraft device to move individual hair units from the back of the head to the front or top of the head. The transplanted hairs stay healthy and replenish the treated areas, says Dr. Lisa Chipps.

What are the Different Types of Hair Loss that PRP and NeoGraft Can Treat?

PRP coupled with NeoGraft can be an ideal restorative hair loss solution for various kinds of hair loss, including:

Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia, or female or male pattern baldness, is the most common form of hair loss. It’s characterized by gradual hair thinning and loss due to androgens such as dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Androgenetic alopecia typically follows a predictable pattern, causing balding and hairline recession in specific areas. In women, hair loss presents as overall thinning on the top of the head and a widening in the part line. The hairline usually remains unaffected.

In men, hair loss starts at the temples and recedes, creating an “M” shape. It may also progress on the crown, causing baldness.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition that causes abrupt hair loss, often in circular patches on the scalp, beard, and other parts of the body. It occurs when the immune system attacks hair follicles, shrinking them and temporarily stopping their hair production.

Both males and females are equally affected. While the condition might happen at any age, it’s more common at younger ages.

Alopecia areata can run in families. Stress, certain drugs, viral infections, and environmental factors may also trigger it.

What are the Benefits of NeoGraft PRP Combination Treatment?

There are many benefits of using PRP alongside NeoGraft, including:

Stimulates Healing and Hair Growth

PRP contains potent growth factors that fast-track healing in joints and damaged cells. Hair loss is usually a result of hair follicle damage, and PRP in NeoGraft restores and rejuvenates the follicles.

Additionally, PRP boosts hair regrowth after transplant. PRP helps hair grafts heal into place better and faster and prevents them from falling out completely. It also slows down hair loss in other areas.

Personalized Approach

Every person’s hair loss journey is unique. For this reason, effective treatment demands personalized hair loss solutions that PRP offers.

Creating a serum from the patient’s blood allows for a customized treatment tailored to individual needs.

Whether addressing early-stage hair thinning, a receding hairline, or advanced hair loss, PRP can target specific areas of concern, offering personalized results that align with your goals.

Proven Results

Using PRP for hair loss is beneficial for conditions such as female and male pattern baldness, hair thinning due to aging, and alopecia areata.

Minimally Invasive

PRP is a minimally invasive procedure with minimal discomfort and a brief recovery period. It enables patients to return to normal activities without considerable downtime.

The local anesthetic used on the scalp substantially reduces discomfort. The treatment is fast, too, taking less than an hour.

You may experience some minor side effects, such as mild pain or tenderness at the injection sites. These resolve quickly on their own.

Combat Hair Loss with PRP and NeoGraft

The experienced dermatologists at Moy-Fincher-Chipps remain at the forefront of PRP’s latest innovations. We offer tailored hair loss solutions, incorporating advanced technology to restore your hair and confidence.

Are you experiencing hair loss? Request your appointment today at Moy-Fincher-Chipps in Beverly Hills, Encino, or Torrance to determine if you’re a good candidate for PRP and NeoGraft. Stop living with hair loss and regain your confidence!

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