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There’s Never Been a Better Time for a Brow Lift: Here’s Why

Posted on: October 1st, 2024 by hollie

Do your eyebrows make you look older than you feel? Are you often asked whether you’re tired, sad, or angry?

A brow lift can address all of these concerns. It can correct low, sagging, and uneven eyebrows, creating an aesthetically pleasing, natural, youthful arch.

Keep reading to learn how there’s never been a better time for a brow lift, and here’s why!

What is a Brow Lift?

Eyebrows usually rest on or right above the eyelids in young women and men. As you grow older, the outside of the brows can gradually start to sag towards the eyelids, causing an aged, exhausted, stern, or angry look.

Dr. Ron Moy, MD, of Moy-Fincher-Chipps, explains, “The best candidate for a brow lift is someone who has dropping of the lateral eyelid and mid cheek. The vector of pull is from the hairline temple area that extends from the lateral nose past the lateral eyelid upward to the temple area. I will pull this from the temple hairline and ask the patient if they like that look. Most patients inquiring about a lifting of the face love this slight pull, especially when combined with a facelift or laser resurfacing. This is the small incision temporal brow lift. I can also lift the mid-brows with a small mid-forehead hairline incision.  Brow lifts always look natural with a modest pull and when combined with a facelift and/or laser resurfacing.”

Some people may feel tired from constantly using their muscles to lift their eyebrows throughout the day. A brow lift, also called a forehead lift, is a cosmetic procedure that restores the eyebrows to a more typical position, giving you a more rested and youthful appearance.

When Should You Consider Getting a Brow Lift?

It could be time to consider undergoing a brow lift at Moy-Fincher-Chipps if you want to:

Reverse the Signs of Aging

Drooping eyebrows, frown lines, and horizontal creases across your forehead can make you look older than you are. Having a brow lift could help if you want to reverse the signs of aging and you’re bothered by the appearance of your eyebrows.

A brow lift can reverse visible signs of aging by elevating your brows and smoothing out creases and frown lines. You’ll look more refreshed, happier, and youthful.

Additionally, a brow lift can open your eyes to create a more alert, energetic, and brighter appearance.

Dr. Edgar Fincher, MD, of Moy-Fincher-Chipps, adds: “We always focus on providing a natural and healthy look for our patients. This involves precisely lifting the brow and repositioning it in a natural manner. Unappealing results from a brow lift usually involve a patient being overstretched or over-lifted. This can result in a surprised look and sometimes even causes problems with hair loss or unnecessary scars.”



Correct Asymmetry

Uneven eyebrows can be due to various reasons, including aging, genetics, injury, or a medical condition. If you have asymmetrical eyebrows, a brow lift can fix the imbalance.

The procedure can make your brow line look more symmetrical, improving the overall balance of your face.

Increase Your Self-Confidence

Are you self-conscious about your appearance because of drooping brows, forehead wrinkles, or frown lines? A brow lift can minimize the signs of aging by lifting your eyebrows, giving you a fresher, more upbeat look that can elevate your self-confidence.

Looking great and feeling more confident about your appearance will positively affect various aspects of your life, from career opportunities to relationships. Even making a small change, like improving the appearance of your eyebrows, can make a big difference in loving what you see looking back at you in the mirror daily!

Improve Vision

Drooping eyebrows can weigh down your lids and affect your vision by blocking the upper field of sight. As a result, you may be constantly raising your eyebrows to see more clearly, leading to frequent eye strain, fatigue, and headaches.

A brow lift can raise the position of your eyebrows, enhancing both your vision and appearance. If you have low-set eyebrows, raising them can improve your field of vision.

Who is the Best Candidate for a Brow Lift?

You may be a good candidate for a brow lift if:

  • You have sagging eyebrows
  • You have horizontal forehead wrinkles
  • You’ve noticed excess skin in your upper eyelids
  • There’s been a loss with your natural eyebrow arch
  • There are frown lines between your eyebrows
  • You have asymmetrical or unbalanced eyebrows
  • You’re in good overall health
  • You have reasonable expectations about what a brow lift can achieve
  • You’re not a smoker

If you think you could be a good candidate for a brow lift, the next step is to schedule a consultation at Moy-Fincher-Chipps. During your consultation, we will thoroughly evaluate you to determine if you could be a good candidate for the procedure.

How Do You Get a Natural-Looking Brow Lift?

A brow lift is an effective and subtle treatment that significantly diminishes the signs of aging on one of the most delicate parts of the face. However, brow lifts can leave people with a startled expression when overdone or performed on patients who don’t need one.

The results of a brow lift depend on the surgeon’s skill and experience. A brow lift done by a skilled and experienced surgeon can help you achieve a natural-looking brow lift.

When you have a brow lift performed by one of the excellent cosmetic surgeons at Moy-Fincher-Chipps, you will look well-rested, rejuvenated, and like the best version of yourself. Dr. Edgar Fincher, MD, of Moy-Fincher-Chipps, remarks, “A brow lift surgery has a relatively quick healing time. A compression bandage is usually worn for the first 48 hours to minimize swelling and bruising. In most cases, swelling and bruising are mild and resolve in 1 week. Occasionally, a patient may have a slightly longer healing time with some swelling around the eyelids.  The stitches are usually self-dissolving and are hidden within the hairline.”

Why Should You Combine a Brow Lift and Eyelid Surgery?

A brow lift can be performed as a stand-alone procedure or combined with blepharoplasty. As you grow older, having extra skin around your eyelids can make you look sad, serious, tired, and older than you are.

Extra skin around your eyelids can worsen if you have a drooping or sagging brow. Both these effects may escalate visible signs of aging. Dr. Ron Moy, MD, of Moy-Fincher-Chipps, adds, “Brow lifts are better at correcting the lateral hooding of the eyes (excess skin of the upper eyelid) when combined with an upper lid blepharoplasty. A brow lift also improves any loose skin of the lateral lower eyelid. The downtime for a brow lift is less than a week because the incisions are very small and behind the hairline.”

You can achieve complete facial rejuvenation by simultaneously addressing both regions with eyelid surgery and a brow lift, looking refreshed and youthful.

What is Eyelid Surgery?

Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that improves the appearance of the upper and lower eyelids. It offers a solution to frustrating side effects of aging, like sagging skin, bags under your eyes, and puffy eyelids, helping you look younger and more awake.

The procedure involves removing loose skin and muscle, reducing or repositioning fat, and tightening underlying muscles to give you a fresher, more vibrant, and youthful look. Combining a browlift and eyelid surgery allows you to refresh the entire area around your eyes rather than addressing only one concern.

It also ensures that the rejuvenation of the entire upper face looks natural and balanced. Additionally, performing both procedures at the same time reduces the healing and recovery time compared to having these performed separately.

Rediscover Your Youthful, Bright Gaze with a Brow Lift

A brow lift at Moy-Fincher-Chipps can refresh your appearance and make you look years younger yet perfectly natural. Our exceptionally skilled cosmetic surgeons will customize your brow lift procedure to match your unique features and goals so you can look your absolute best.

Are you struggling with heavy, low-hung eyebrows? Book your appointment at Moy-Fincher-Chipps to find out if you could be a good candidate for a brow lift.

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