Banish Dry Skin from Eczema with These 3 Tips


Is your skin dry, cracked, and itchy? You could have eczema. If you’re among the over 30 million Americans suffering from eczema, you may know that dry skin leads to increased eczema flare-ups. Fortunately, you can help your skin retain moisture and find relief from the symptoms of eczema. Keep reading to learn more about…

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Hyperpigmentation Causes and Treatments

All Articles,Cosmetic Dermatology,Eczema

What is hyperpigmentation? Melanin is the substance that gives our skin color. Hyperpigmentation is a condition characterized by the production of excessive melanin which causes dark spots on the skin. Dark spots include age spots, liver spots, freckles, sun spots, and melasma. Hyperpigmentation can affect any skin type but is most common on the face,…

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Bacteria: Not all bad

All Articles,Eczema,News,Skin Cancer

The word bacteria never conjures a warm fuzzy feeling. Indeed, bacteria is responsible for soured milk, strep throat and even deadly internal infections. But, when it comes to our skin, research has shown that bacteria plays an increasingly important role in protection. Normally, there are millions of micro-organisms growing on the skin, and just the…

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