Byrdie Beauty
“This is the Regeneo Facial, an age-rewinding, skin-resurfacing treatment that promises to revert even the dullest, most weathered and uneven complexions to a bright and youthful state. Offered by the celeb-frequented practice Moy, Fincher, Chipps Dermatology in Beverly Hills, it’s essentially a version of the Kardashian-endorsed “vampire facial.” Read more
Read MoreHarper’s Bazaar Magazine
“Protecting your skin from daily life or keeping it plump looking is not enough. Ideally, you give it waht it needs to grow stronger from the inside out. That’s why ingredients like peptides and growth factors, which stimulate collagen production, are so promising, says Grossman. One recent study found that twice-daily application of a growth…
Read MoreNewest Facial Fillers That Erase Lines Without Surgery
If you’re over 40, you probably remember that first time someone called you “Ma’am” or “Sir.” It almost surely hurt, no matter how young and fit you felt. Evidently, your age was showing in those wrinkles and sags.
Read MoreLA Confidential: Cutting Edge – Best LA Surgeons
“Beauty philosophy: According to Moy, the solution to Angelenos’ desire to remain forever young often lies in minimally invasive techniques. A leader in the anti-aging medical movement, Moy believes in utilizing new research and a comprehensive approach to restore a youthful complexion—no cutting required.” Read more
Read MoreAre Lasers Your Last Resort?
“Laser light is designed to pass through the skin until it reaches its target, where it’s absorbed by the targeted cell and converted into heat. The cell is damaged by the heat, then heals itself. “When the cell heals, we can see clinical improvement,” says Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Director of Dermatologic Surgery, Lisa Chipps, M.D….
Read MoreGlamour Magazine: The Skin Cancer Guru
“Dr. Chipps, a 37-year-old mother of two, specializes in removing skin cancer and repairing the resultant wound (she’s a laser therapy whiz) at her practice on Rodeo Drive. A practicing Buddhist, dr. Chipps is a bona fide ninja (a green belt!) was the captain of her college sailing team and once helped deliver a baby…
Read MoreNBC Los Angeles: New Laser Turns Back Time
The Fractional Erbium Laser is brand new — and Beverly Hills Dermatologist Ronald Moy is the first in the Los Angeles area to offer it to patients. “The main advantagae of the the new laser is it can tighten the skin and help resurface especially this crinkly skin under the eye and help with the…
Read MoreYour Go-To Guide For Awards Season in Los Angeles
“Dr. Lisa Chipps: There’s always going to be something new and cutting edge in skin rejuvenation and right now, it’s Pelleve. This wrinkle reduction system goes after those nasty little wrinkles with virtually no pain, no downtime, and needs no anesthesia. After just one hour treatment, you’ll see firmer, tighter skin, which will last you…
Read MoreBeverly Hills Courier: Laser 101 At Moy Fincher Chipps
Getting rid of wrinkles used to mean aggressive ablative lasers with downtime and discomfort. Not anymore. Moy-Fincher-Chipps Facial Plastics-Dermatology boasts a new generation of lasers at its Rodeo Drive practice. “The practice works with a variety of lasers which target the hallmarks of aging—wrinkles, brown spots, broken capillaries and sagging skin,” said Dr. Ronald Moy….
Read MoreMy Pre-Emmy, Celeb-Worthy Facial
“On a cloudy Friday morning, just two days before my red carpet rendezvous, I went to see Lynn Hesselton, medical aesthetician at the Moy-Fincher-Chipps practice on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, Calif. for my treatment…The facial was nothing short of star treatment. I looked at my skin, and it did indeed look a bit brighter…
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